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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2010 > Yingjun Zhou

Yingjun Zhou

Research on production, properties and anaerobic digestion of the municipal biowaste in Beijing, China

Division of Environmental Design Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Tsinghua University, China
Term: August 4, 2010 – January 27, 2011
My internship was focused on the municipal biowaste in Beijing, China. Data about the production of solid waste and biowaste were firstly collected, and then the properties of these wastes were studied and anaerobic digestion was applied in a pilot-scale plant. Due to differences in lifestyle habits and waste collecting systems, the production and properties of municipal biowaste in China are quite different from those in Japan and other countries. So it’s meaningful for us to carry out comparative researches in China. During the internship, I collected some data from the Chinese government and institutes about the production of the municipal biowaste in China, especially in megacities like Beijing. Then a research was carried out on the properties and anaerobic digestion of these biowastes with a pilot-scale plant built in Beijing. Besides, I attended some meetings held in Beijing, including the 18th seminar of JSPS-MOE core University Program. Contents and the progress of my research were introduced in these meetings to researchers from China, Japan and other countries. During these meetings, I learned much information about the progress of municipal biowaste disposal around the world.

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