Program Members
Name | Affiliated department, position title |
Specialized field, Academic degree |
Division of roles |
Yuzuru MATSUOKA | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Professor |
Atmospheric and thermal environ. eng., Dr. Eng. |
COE leader Management of education and research |
Teruyuki MONNAI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Eng.), Professor |
Architecture and environ. eng., Dr. Eng. |
Research field leader (Urban Governance) Project of establishing human security eng. |
Hiroyasu OHTSU | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Urban Management), Professor |
Construction eng. systems, Dr. Eng. |
Research field leader (Urban Infrastructure Management) Overseas base leader (Bangkok) Setup of overseas base |
Hiroaki TANAKA | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Research Center for Environmental Quality Management Professor |
Environ. Quality evaluation, Dr. Eng. |
Research field leader (Health Risk Management) Overseas base leader (Shenzhen) Setup of overseas base |
Hirokazu TATANO | Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Professor |
Disaster prevention economics, Dr. Eng. |
Research field leader (Disaster Risk Management) Overseas base leader (Mumbai) Setup of overseas base |
Eiichi TANIGUCHI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Urban Management), Professor |
Urban management systems, Dr. Eng. |
Overseas base leader (Singapore) Department manager Setup of overseas base |
Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Urban Management), Professor |
Planning and management systems, Dr. Eng. |
Implementation of key joint research projects |
Shigeo FUJII | Graduate school of Global Environ. Studies (Dept. of Technology and Ecology), Professor |
Water environ. control, Dr. Eng. |
Overseas base leader (Hanoi) Center director Setup of overseas base |
Toshifumi MATSUOKA | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Urban Management), Professor |
Geological eng., Dr. Eng. |
Overseas base leader (Bandung) Setup of overseas base |
Rajib SHAW | Graduate school of Global Environ. Studies (Dept. of Technology and Ecology), Associate professor |
Environ. disaster prevention management, Dr. Sci. |
International exchanges and information dissemination |
Yasuhiro HAYASHI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Eng.), Professor |
Regenerative preservation of built environ., Dr. Eng. |
Department manager Establishment of educational unit |
Minoru YONEDA | Graduate school of Eng (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Professor |
Environ. risk analysis, Dr. Eng. |
Department manager Establishment of educational unit |
Kunitomo SUGIURA | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Civil and Earth Resources Eng.), Professor |
Structural mechanics, Ph.D |
Department manager Establishment of educational unit |
Tomoharu HORI | Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Professor |
Water resources eng., Dr. Eng. |
Department manager Establishment of educational unit |
Takeshi KATSUMI | Graduate school of Global Environ. Studies (Dept. of Technology and Ecology), Professor |
Environ. infrastructure eng., Dr. Eng. |
Department manager Establishment of educational unit |
Yoshihisa SHIMIZU | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Research Center for Environmental Quality Management Professor |
Control of environ. quality, Dr. Eng. |
Overseas base leader (Kuala Lumpur) Setup of overseas base |
Masashi KAWASAKI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Civil and Earth Resources Eng.), Professor |
Landscape and environ. planning, Dr. Eng. |
International exchanges and information dissemination |
Shin'ichi SAKAI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Environment Preservation Center Professor |
Environ. preservation eng., Dr. Eng. |
Implementation of key joint research projects |
Junji KIYONO | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Urban Management), Professor |
Earthquake disaster prevention systems, Dr. Eng. |
Implementation of key joint research projects |
Sadahiko ITO | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Environ. Eng.), Graduate school of Global Environ. Studies (Dept. of Global Ecology) Professor |
Urban supply systems, Dr. Eng. |
Implementation of symposiums and workshops |
Keiichi TODA | Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Professor |
Urban flood control, Ph.D |
Implementation of symposiums and workshops |
Hitoshi GOTOH | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Civil and Earth Resources Eng.), Professor |
Waterfront environ. Eng., Dr. Eng. |
Compilation of a series of English textbooks |
Kiyoko KANKI | Graduate school of Eng. (Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Eng.), Associate professor |
Housing and environ. design, Dr. Eng. |
Compilation of a series of English textbooks |