The Second International Conference (Organizational Workshop) Construction Law and Economics Circle in Asia and Pacific (CLECAP)
Date: October 23, 2009
Venue: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Organized by:
- Kyoto University (Japan)
- International Islamic University Malaysia (Malaysia)
Co-organized by:
Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: more than 120
Report 063
The Second International Conference (Organizational Workshop) Construction Law and Economics Circle in Asia and Pacific (CLECAP) was held at IIUM on October 23, 2009. This conference aims to provide a forum to discuss and debate issues on construction law and economics through multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural interaction among the academics, practicing professionals and official agencies (Multi-lateral Banks, JBIC, FIDIC etc.).
This conference focused on the efficient and economic implementation of public infrastructure projects in the areas of the Middle East, Central Asia, Indo-china, South East Asia, South West Asia, China, Korea, Japan and the Pacific Rim where there is a diversity of cultural differences. In the conference, more than 120 participants, who came from Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Iran, Australia, USA and Japan, shared information related to the current situation of dispute solution, mediator training and the foundation issues of NGO CLECAP. All the papers presented during this seminar are included in the seminar's proceedings titled "2nd International Conference (Organizational Workshop) Construction Law and Economics Circle in Asia and Pacific (CLECAP)". The next conference will be held in 2010 in Kyoto, Japan.