The Fourth Workshop on Transport Logistics
Date: September 27, 2010
Venue: Global Hall JINYU (C1-2), Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Japan
Organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
- GCOE, KU - CMS, NUS "Transport Logistics Joint Research Center"
Number of attendants: about 40
Report 116
The Fourth Workshop on Transport Logistics was held on 27th September 2010 at Katsura Campus, Kyoto University. The workshop is part of a series of such events jointly organized by Kyoto University and the Center for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore (CMS-NUS), which is a GCOE partner institute. The main objective of the workshop is to share a common language of research knowledge and identify the main issues and possible solutions in various fields of transportation and logistics.
A variety of topics on transportation and logistics such as city logistics, optimization, traffic engineering, network design, and intelligent transportation systems were covered during the workshop in the form of presentations. Several researchers from three institutions, Kyoto University, National University of Singapore and Monash University participated in the workshop. Human safety in the field was a key focus of the discussions.
Considering importance of the workshop to share the new knowledge and research progresses, the group tentatively scheduled a next workshop on March 2011 in National University of Singapore. Also discussion was carried out for GCOE text book publication. Finally the group decided to finalize the chapters for the text book by December 2010 and roughly planned to make publication by the end of this fiscal year.