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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2009 > Marfiah Ab.Wahid

Marfiah Ab.Wahid

Studying water reclamation and reuse implemented in Australia

Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Brisbane and Sydney, Australia
Term: September 20 – September 27, 2009
Water reclamation and reuse has become a major topic of discussion in water-related circles. However, the big challenge facing regulators, water authorities and researchers is to determine appropriate guidelines, treatment, and to fulfill public expectations and perceptions, especially regarding human health risks. I got a lot of feedback through discussion with many experts in this field relating to my study on the control of pathogenic microorganisms in wastewater for water reuse. During the IWA conference, I made a poster presentation of my research findings and had a chance to exchange information with researchers from various countries. With these discussions, I realized that we were moving in the same direction and, in the case of pathogenic microorganism, that there are still many gaps to be filled and studies to be done. Another valuable experience was a site visit to a water recycling project in Sydney, Australia. In my opinion, water reclamation and reuse is a good alternative, not only to overcome the water shortage problem, but also as an asset with many purposes, such as recreation and tourism because of the reduction of pollutant discharge into the aquatic environment.

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