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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2010 > Makoto Kunieda

Makoto Kunieda

Study on oil spreading on ocean surface for oil spill disaster

Environment and Resources System Engineering, Division of Geo-Management, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: University of Wyoming, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, University of California, Davis, USA
Term: November 29, 2010 – December 24, 2010
In the petroleum technology fields, human security engineering has been growing in importance since the BP oil spill disaster. On April 20, 2010, the BP oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. The spilled oil spread immediately on the ocean surface in the Gulf of Mexico, and led to secondary disasters to humans and nature lives. The main objective of my internship was to investigate spreading properties of oil on water surface. Deep understandings of these properties can prevent the secondary disasters efficiently. I performed the experiments to measure the interfacial properties of oil – water and oil – vapor systems, and discussed the detailed mechanism of the oil spreading on water surface with the researchers at University of Wyoming. Moreover, I exchanged opinions with the researchers, who are experts on oil behavior, at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and University of California, Davis. And I learned about the unsolved problems and the risk managements with oil production. The internship was worthwhile as it broadened my point of view on studies.
