Overseas Training > 2012 > Gunawan Prayitno
Gunawan Prayitno
The Impact of International Migration in Rural Area in Indonesia
Management and Planning Systems Laboratory, Division of Urban Systems Planning,
Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Brawijaya University, Malang-Indonesia
Term: November 16, 2012 – December 14, 2012
The main objective of my internship was to identify the impact to social capital of Indonesian migrant workers, focusing on individual, household and community level. During the internship program, I conducted some meeting with Brawijaya University expert, government officer and private agency who send migrant abroad; made a deep interview with respondents in a rural area; and presented a paper in an international conference in Padang West Sumatera.
We also applied a deep interview for the respondents to identify: the characteristic of a migrant worker; the activity of migrant in the community activities; the frequency of activities migrant in the community, and the activities of migrant in the new place before and after migration. The total numbers of respondents were 250 persons consist of active, former and local migrant. Based on analysis of the activity of respondents in the community, we can make some conclusion what the impact of international migration in a rural area in Indonesia.