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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2012 > Maja Ostric

Maja Ostric

Simple 1-D transient infiltration model and rate dependant behavior of soil

Innovative Disaster Prevention Technology and Policy Research, Division of Disaster Prevention Engineering, Department of Civil and Earth Resource Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Term: January 23, 2012 - April 17, 2012
The main objective of my internship was to define Simple 1-D transient infiltration model with a safety-factor analysis and rate dependant behavior of soil. Landslides in coastal part of Croatia are mostly composed of flysch deposits and limestone, and they are mostly slow moving, retrogressive landslides that are usually triggered by rainfall. Due to such specific conditions, we defined a short project during my visit. The work mostly consisted of theoretical part and definition of a simple 1-D transient infiltration model with a safety-factor analysis and rate dependant behavior of soil. We tried to incorporate rate-dependant behavior in models of landslide motion using data published by Skempton, which showed functional relation of friction angle and shear rate (shear speed). Since my research is focused on landslides, specifically, Ring Shear Tests, this functional relation should be experimentally obtained.

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