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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2012 > Nitin Srivastava

Nitin Srivastava

Enhancing occupational resilience: ‘Urban-rural linkages’ approach in Ahmedabad (India)

International Environment and Disaster Management Laboratory,   Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Place of stay: CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India
Term: June 2, 2012 – July 29, 2012
The two months internship had the objective of finding the gap between the literature review and the secondary data collected by the research study in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The urban areas are surrounded with rural areas and there are various forms of between them of product, waste, resources, labour(human beings) etc. It also faces urban flooding in the months of extreme rains i.e. July and August. These linkages suffer disruption in the case of natural hazards with great effect on people engaged in trivial occupations and informal sector, whose income is based on daily earnings. The internship allowed me to identify the vulnerable occupations and understand the effect of climate change on the lives of these people. The internship provided me with an opportunity to interact with academicians(institutes), researchers, professionals, government institutions and non government organizations engaged in welfare of slum and low income population. The coping strategies at various levels, namely individual, community and state, were identified, which makes the population resilient against the disasters.

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