GCOE-CMS Short-Course in Urban Transport and Logistics
Date: September 7 - 9, 2009
Venue: Jin-Yu Hall, C-1 Building, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Organized by:
Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: 33
Report 058
The objective of the GCOE-CMS Short-Course in Urban Transport and Logistics is to transfer comprehensive knowledge on the planning, designing, operating, and maintaining urban logistics systems and other urban transport systems, from the point of view of Human Security. The students will have a truly international experience, receiving the classes in English language from Japanese and foreigner instructors.
The short-course was opened by Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi and Prof. Fwa Tien Fan, who localized the short-course within the GCOE wide range of activities and explained the objectives of the short-course, specially its role as test ground for the GCOE-CMS Textbook on Urban Transport and Logistics for Human Security.
The 12 classes each with 60 minutes of duration, were distributed in three days. Several topics were covered ranging from general concepts of urban transport and logistics to specific fields of logistics such as facility location, application of ICT and ITS, vehicle routing and scheduling, network reliability in urban transport and hazardous material transport. Many students of Civil engineering course actively participated in these classes.
Finally, Prof. Russell G. Thompson concluded the short course program and discussed how the Urban Transport and Logistics will be able to contribute to the Human Security Engineering.