KU-JICA Joint Symposium on Human Security Engineering - Human Security and Related Capacity Development -
Date: March 1 - 2, 2010
Venue: Nikkei Conference Room (March 1), Nikkei Seminar Room 1 (March 2)
The detailed information is here
Organized by:
- Kyoto University
- Japan International Corporation Agency
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
KU-JICA Poster
Report 090
The KU-JICA joint symposium aims to deepen the understanding of Human Security and its Capacity Development. In addition, the symposium can give an opportunity to exchange views about the current research activities in several overseas bases, namely Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, concerned to Human Security Engineering.
On March 1 and 2, 2010, the KU-JICA Joint Symposium on Human Security Engineering -Human Security and Related Capacity Development- took place at Nikkei Conference Hall in Tokyo. The symposium aimed at establishing "Urban Human Security Engineering." In addition, the symposium gave an opportunity for participants to exchange views on the current research activities in the GCOE program’s overseas bases at Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia.
On the first day of the symposium, Prof. Hiroyasu Ohtsu explained the concept of Urban Human Security Engineering in his opening speech. Afterward, four keynote speakers gave their presentation. Mr. Kenzo Oshima, a vice president of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), made a speech on “JICA’s mission on Human Security." Following his speech, Prof. Belinda Yuen (National University of Singapore) gave a discourse on the comprehensive urban policy taking account of human livability and healthiness. Prof. Sawako Takeuchi explained the concept of “Community-based hospital” and proposed a new framework of ODA called “Medi-Square” in her speech. Lastly Prof. Satoshi Fujii spoke on civil engineering education from the aspect of altruism and nationalism.
On the second day, Prof. Gautam Ray delivered a keynote speech on the paradigm of urban development and human security. Following his speech, the representatives of three overseas bases in Singapore, Bangkok, and Bandung, reported activities in each oversea base.
About two hundred people participated in the symposium in total, including those from a variety of Asian countries; therefore, they shared the problems and conditions of each country, and had lively discussions on borderless issues.