China - America - Japan - Singapore Symposium on Water and Environmental Safety
Date: May 21, 2010
Venue: C building of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, China
Organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
- Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Number of attendants: about 40
Report 102
Some researches which were focused on water such as occurrence of micropollutants and evaluation of the applicability for novel water treatment system, have been performed based on the collaboration between Kyoto University and Tsinghua University at Kyoto University GCOE Shenzhen base. More achievement was obtained by the technical guidance about analytical technologies and so on to the students of Tsinghua University as a part of an education activity. The academics, who were invited to Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University from United States of America and Singapore, made presentations regarding to the latest research topics and their future plans in order to contribute to our research development and internationalization. Moreover, the aims of this seminar were: 1) to do academic exchange, 2) to find the potential research topics among four countries.
First of all, construction of low-carbon society using algae as fuel was introduced by Professor R. Bajpai with University of Louisiana Lafayette. To the next, the occurrence of PPCPs in Japan and Shenzhen was reported by Associate Professor Yasojima. And the research on the wastewater treatment technology in the space shuttle contained in the space development technology promoted under the B. Obama administration was presented by Associate Professor D. D. Gang. Moreover, human exposure to trihalomethanes, and countermeasure technology for eutrophication in a lake was reported by Dr. Quan, and Mr. Tao, doctor course student of Tsinghua University, respectively. Professor Zhang introduced a water quality purification system for water source in the Pearl River Delta Area. Professor Zhang was in charge of the chairman at the morning session.
On the other hand, two presentations were given in the afternoon session. Associate Professor Hu gave the presentation regarding to the development of novel detection method for Cryptosporidium. Finally, the occurrence of EDCs in the river of Shenzhen city was described by Ms. Wang who is also doctor course student of Tsinghua University. In the afternoon session, Associate Professor Yasojima was in charge of the chairman.
After the last speech, the research topics which are needed in four countries were discussed. As the major result of this discussion, we agreed that disinfection by products in tap water is the topic which we will be focused on. We engaged in valuable information exchange, and enhancement of their collaborative relationship at this seminar.