Field seminar on water and wastewater and river water purification technologies in Japan for application to the 12th five-year project of China
Date: August 5 - 6, 2010
Venue: Water Purification Center, Water Quality Center, Water History Museum (Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government), Higashi-Murayama Purification Plant, Tokyo Water Reclamation Center, Sakasai River Purification Plant, Sakagawa River Reclamation Facility, Kogasaki Purification Plant
Organized by:
Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Co-organized by:
EML Program "international Center for Human Resource Development in Environmental Management"
Number of attendants: 21
Report 112
At the end of the successful 11th 5-year National Construction Project of China, the preliminary plan of the 12th has already begun. As one of the core plan-providers and technology -developers on environmental science field, Professors HUANG and WEN and their research group, the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University (Beijing) are focusing on the improvement and technical solutions of the municipal drinking water purification and sewerage treatment of Wuxi City. The plan also includes the improvement of the water quality of Taihu Lake, which is the largest local water body, and its applicability as the drinking water source. The purpose of the field seminar was to introduce the concerned knowledge and theories of Japan to be applied in the next national construction project of China. The other purpose was to enforce the relationship and communication in academic and business societies of China and Japan.
As their requirements, the Japanese side invited them to visit several purification facilities and introduce their theories and experience on the operations of drinking water purification, sewerage treatment, sludge reclamation and river purification. On 5th of August, under the guidance of the Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Water Purification Center, Water Quality Center, and the Water History Museum were visited in the morning and the Higashi-Murayama Purification Plant in the afternoon. On the 6th of August, the group visited the Tokyo Water Reclamation Center, Sakasai River Purification Plant, Sakagawa River Reclamation, and Kogasaki Purification plant nonstop. Frequent questions from the Chinese side were asked, which were mainly about the details of the water treatment operation. Evidently the Chinese side also showed great interest in the reclamation and the reuse of sludge. Professor HUANG pointed out that gradually public attention should be turned into the reclamation of sludge and water in China. It is therefore necessary to know and learn from the voice of experience on this topic. The operation experience on the inspection of water leakage during distribution was also of great interest and value to the visitors. Through the active discussions and communications, the academic and business relationships between each side of China and Japan were confirmed and strengthened. Furthermore, huge progress was also made on the social association in China of the GCOE Shenzhen base.