The 6th Joint Seminar between Tongji and Kyoto University on Transportation System Theory & Practice
Date: October 11, 2010
Venue: Room 103, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai city, China
Organized by:
Kyoto University and Tongji University
Co-organized by:
- Kyoto University
- Tongji University
Sponsored by:
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Number of attendants: more than 70
Report 129
The 6th joint seminar between Tnogji and Kyoto University on transportation system theory & practice was held at Tongji University, Shanghai on October 11th, 2010. This joint seminar was launched in 2005 and has been held every year at Kyoto and Shanghai in turns.
In this joint seminar, we focus on the differences in the developing process of urban structures and transportation systems between Japan and China. Based on the concepts, the research achievements of Kyoto University and those of Tongji University are presented and compared. By discussing the differences, we intend to find out the suitable way of urban governance and the appropriate method of managing and operating transportation systems, in order to establish the sustainable society.
This joint seminar was begun with opening speech of Prof. Xiaoguang Yang and short speech of Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi. Then, 8 presentations from Kyoto University and 8 presentations from Tongji University were delivered and the active discussion was held by more than 70 participants.
The technical presentations included various kinds of topics related with urban and transportation problems; the establishment and analysis of the images of traffic congestion situation (by Prof. Dongyuan Yang), a stochastic optimization method using hidden Markov model with measurement errors (by Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi), analytical method of transportation system based on all-demission information (by Prof. Xiaoguang Yang), the change of population around train stations in Japanese cities ? how did the operation frequency influence? (by Prof. Dai Nakagawa), performance measurement of bus lines considering the carbon emissions (by Assoc. Prof. Jing Teng), economic benefit evaluation of advanced discounted fee systems (by Assoc. Prof. Kakuya Matsushima), development of three-dimensional urban modeling using airborne LiDAR and aerial photograph (by Assoc. Prof. Junichi Susaki), Tongji University traveller behavior and traffic safety simulation platform overview (by Assoc. Prof. Xuesong Wang), frequency-based transit assignment with consideration of seat availability (by Jan-dirk Schmoecker), passenger transfer predict of comprehensive transportation hub (by Assoc. Prof. Xuemei Zhou), an analysis of effects of trend information upon route choice behavior by in-laboratory experiment (by Assoc. Prof. Nobuhiro Uno) and so on.
Finally it was confirmed that the 7th joint seminar will be held at Kyoto University in the end of August, 2011, and the seminar ended successfully.