The 18th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment
Date: October 21 - 22, 2010
Venue: Sino-Italian Environmental Building of Tsinghua University, China
Organized by:
JSPS-MOE Core University Program
Co-organized by:
Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: 91
Report 118
The seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment was one of Japan-China exchange programs which were mainly conducted by Kyoto University and Tsinghua University. Japan-China exchange programs were started from ten years before, and many academic exchanges and personal exchanges were performed in the past decade. Due to this eighteenth seminar was the final one, it was needed to sum up of our activities and to discuss regarding to a future exchange. Since this eighteenth seminar is the last seminar, it is necessary to sum up our activities, and to discuss about future collaboration. The objectives of this seminar were;
1) Exchange of the latest achievements and knowledge in both countries
2) To know a solution for issues regarding to urban environment
3) To establish significant collaboration between China and Japan
[The first day]
Prof. Hao of Tshinghua University, Dr. Fukunishi of JSPS Beijing head office and Prof. Komori of Kyoto University gave opening addresses in the first session which was attended all of the delegates. Then, decade activities and achievements were given by the leader of four research groups, which were, Water Pollution and Resources, Air Quality Measurement in Urban Environment, Solid Waste and Sustainable Urban Development. The viewpoints of both sides agreed were as follows;
1) Relationship between China and Japan was developed.
2) This program made an opportunity to encourage not only researches but also human resource development
3) Established significant relationship will be continued, and more achievements will also be needed.
Research achievements were presented in each research group sessions, and engaged in valuable information exchange.
[The second day]
Following the first day, collaborative research achievements and the view points for future research were introduced in each group session. Continuation and development of the cooperative relation of both countries were strongly expected, because there were research themes which may be advanced greatly, and needed to deepen to further more understand the difference in the environmental conditions of both countries. Finally, Prof. Hao and Prof. Tsuno gave the closing addresses, and they said we were able to obtain many excellent outcomes but we have to challenge to next step because we should not have a feeling of satisfaction.
This seminar was exactly fruitful in the following aspects, that is, the delegates who came from not only Tsinghua University and Kyoto University but also any other Chinese-Japanese Universities could meet at a time and carried out valuable discussions on their own research topics and future collaboration.