The second GCOE Shenzhen Overseas Base Symposium, Symposium on Human Security Engineering in Cooperation with Megacity Shenzhen City
Date: November 28, 2010
Venue: C Building International Conference Room in Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, China
Organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program
- Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Co-organized by:
- Kyoto University EML Program
- CREST Program
- Shenzhen Environmental Science Society
- Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science
Supported by:
- Kansai Economic Federation
- Shenzhen Environmental Protection Industry Association
Number of attendants: 56
Report 127
Many faculty member of Kyoto University visited to Shenzhen to carry out research and exchange information, and make discussion with related organization as well as Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University for the last five years. These activities can strengthen the collaboration between the universities more concrete in terms of research and education. As the results, Tsinghua University and Kyoto University started joint research, especially human health risk region of GCOE program, and education. The further collaboration between the universities will be discussed in this symposium, which will bring collaborative success to the other sectors assisting and cooperative organization related to both the universities. This must bring back more success between the universities in the future. Moreover, in order to establish the new discipline “Human Security Engineering (HSE) for Asian- Mega cities”, integration among only environmental engineering division but also city infrastructure management, city governance and disaster risk management is essential because HSE is based on inter-discipline. The objectives of this symposium are:
1) to build a cooperative relation with not only Tsinghua University but also Kyoto University and Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science (hereafter SAES).
2) to discuss how to collaborate among four regions of GCOE program with Chinese sectors.
Research activities of GCOE program, EML program and SAES were introduced from both countries following opening addresses which were given from Profs. TSUNO Hiroshi, ZHANG Xihui and Director YANG Lijun. After these, collaborative research progresses in Shenzhen were presented by the faculties of Tsinghua Univ. and Kyoto Univ.. The research topics regarding to a water, a solid waste and so on were explained in this session. Moreover, panel discussion was performed by the panelists who are on behalf of both countries. Keen discussion regarding to expectations of China for Japan, and future collaboration was carried out in this panel discussion. Since the viewpoint consists of business development besides academic exchange, the panel discussion was very valuable for all of the participants. For example, the participants of private companies made some important and/or interesting query for the panelists. We have built an even better relationship between two countries through this symposium, and we confirmed such kind of collaboration will make us more strengthen our relationship.