International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN' 2010)
Date: December 11 - 12, 2010
Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto
Organized by:
- Indonesian Student Association of Kyoto
- Indonesian Student Association of Kansai
Co-organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming"
- Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University
Number of attendants: around 200
Presenters: altogether 85 technical presentations
The detailed information is here
Report 134
The purpose of this conference is to address and to disseminate recent research achievements that are delivered by young scientists who work with the Human Security Engineering issues.
The International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (or SustaiN' 2010) was held at the Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, on December 11 – 12, 2010. This conference was organized by the Indonesian Student Association in Kyoto and Kansai, and co-organized by the Global COE Program on Human Security Engineering, the Global COE Program on Energy Sciences, and CSEAS, Kyoto University. During the opening ceremony, several important guests gave speeches, i.e. the Vice President of Kyoto University for International Relations (Prof. Junichi Mori), the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan (Mr. Muhammad Lutfi), the Director General of Higher Education of Republic Indonesia (Prof. Djoko Santoso), the Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of Republic Indonesia (Dr. Luluk Sumiarso), the Vice President of Institut Teknologi Bandung for Research and Innovation (Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir), the Chairman of SEE Forum International (Prof. Susumu Yoshikawa), the Director of CSEAS (Prof. Hiromu Shimizu), and the Indonesian Consul General for Kansai area (Mr. Ibnu Hadi). The chairman of the organizing committee (Mr. Suharman Hamzah) reported that this conference was the first to be conducted by the Indonesian Student Association in Kyoto and Kansai, and he hoped that this conference would be conducted annually.
Around 200 people attended the conference from Asia and Europe, including Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and the Netherlands. The participants' presentations were categorized into 7 (seven) topics: (1) food, water and energy security in tropical countries, (2) sustainable cities and rural areas in tropical hemisphere countries, (3) socio-culture and socio science, (4) advanced technology, (5) natural hazards, (6) new insights on emerging diseases in developing countries, and (7) environmental issues in developing countries. For each topic, one or two invited speakers gave important presentations to the audience. The invited speakers were mostly the lecturers of Kyoto University, and several others came from the Indonesian Central Bank, Waseda University, Tohoku University, JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and Institut Teknologi Bandung.
In general, this conference was a success. More than 80 (eighty) extended abstracts and full papers were produced in this conference (ISSN No. 1884 8850). One important note of this event is that the presenters were mostly M.Sc and Ph.D students who have the desire to promote their study achievements to the international community. GCOE-HSE supports activities like this and this event was a substitute for the Young Researchers Seminar, which is normally conducted once a year on the topic of Human Security Engineering in Indonesia. Since this event was attended by prominent individuals from Indonesia and Japan, new cooperation plans in education and research sectors between both countries were discussed informally. It is hoped that this event will strengthen the friendship and cooperation between both countries for the future.