GCOE Seminar on Sustainability, Water and the Environment in Asia and US
Date: June 7, 2011
Venue: Seminar Room, Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, 1-2 Yumihama, Otsu Shiga, Japan
Organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Magacities"
Co-organized by:
- Research Center for Environmental Quality Management
- Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education “Int’tech Fusion Graduate School Engineering Education Program”
Number of attendants: 21
Report 153
In the past few decades there has been a global concern regarding sustainable water and environment. Therefore, both the Asia and U.S. are focusing towards better management of the natural resources. Developed countries have been made relatively considerable progress in addressing a variety of environmental problems as compare to developing countries. Prof. Chikashi Sato from Idaho State University, USA and Prof. Jiun-Horng Tsai from National Cheng-Kung University (Currently Visiting Professor at RCEQM, Kyoto University) were kindly invited to share their experiences in the seminar. This main purpose of this seminar was to explore possible criteria for assessing sustainable water and environment in USA and Asia. Secondary purpose was to enhance a clear vision on the challenges for young scientists for the next decade. At the opening of the seminar, Prof. Hiroaki Tanaka Introduced the RCEQM and highlighted the objectives of the seminar.
The seminar was divided into 3 phases with the following subthemes:
1. Invited Guest (US Scenario)
2. Invited Guest and Faculty (Asia and Japan Scenario)
3. Postdoc and Doctroal Students (Own research)
A total of 10 presentations were made during these different phases. In the first phase, Prof. Sato presented that due to the abundance of the geothermal energy in Idaho State, USA (Tribal areas), where the native Americans are living, required a sustainable approach to harvest the geothermal energy. A model based on sustainable training and education program was introduced to cope with environmental and economic problem in that area. In case of Asia, particularly for the developing countries, this is the time period to remedy environmental damage for future generations, demonstrated by Prof. Tsai, Lecturer Naoyuki Yamashita and Assist. Prof. Norihide Nakada in 2nd phase of the seminar. In 3rd phase, Postdoc and Doctoral students presented their own studies to address the complexity of environmental problems.
Finally, Prof. Tanaka concluded that young researchers must identify ways to meet the challenges presented in the “GCOE seminar” which were collectively raised. Three poster presentations were performed during the Lab visit, just after the interactive Lunch. Overall, the GCOE seminar was a successful one in terms of knowledge exchange. We believe that many of the important results of the seminar would be valuable for the upcoming young researcher. We remain truly grateful to all the presenters and participants for their joint efforts.