New Water Reuse System using Urban Aquifer with Advanced Risk Management -1st CREST Symposium-
Date: June 17, 2011
Venue: Jinyu Hall, Kyoto University at Katsura, Japan
Organized by:
- Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
- Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) under the project named as "New Water Reuse System using Urban Aquifer with Advanced Risk Management"
Number of attendants: Approximately 35
Report 162
The symposium entitled "New Water Reuse System using Urban Aquifer with Advanced Risk Management -1st CREST Symposium-" was held at Jinyu Hall on June 17th, 2011. This symposium was held in order to share the research vision of the project with all participants. Concretely, staffs and students make presentations on the concept and working scheme of the project including the research topics related to the project.
In the symposium, Prof. Sadahiko Itoh, the project leader of the CREST project, introduced the project. Dr. Songkeart Phattarapattamawong and Dr. Yugo Takabe, postdoctoral fellows of the project, made presentations on "Soil Aquifer Treatment" and "Study on treatment characteristics in soil aquifer treatment", respectively. During the presentations, they showed the details of the experimental methodology. Furthermore, they discussed issues for implementing the scheme with participants. In addition, four students presented the researches under the titles of "Removal characteristics of natural estrogens in biological treatment process", "Simultaneous control of chlorinous odor and disinfection byproducts in drinking water by oxidation process", "Use of QMRA for risk management" and "Treatment process of micro organic pollutants". They discussed with participants the significance and prosperity of their topics related to the project. Approximately 35 participants, including staffs and students, were very interested in the project during the presentations. Not only staffs but also students joined discussion with the presenters. All staffs and students showed the motivation to bring the project to successful conclusions. Participants could understand the presentations although their study backgrounds were different. In addition, they seemed to be interested and eager to follow the next outcome. This symposium was very useful for exchanging of opinions and sharing their perceptions and future visions of this program amongst the specialists of water and wastewater treatments.

(From the left: Opening Remarks, Presentation, Scenery of participants)