GCOE Symposium on Sustainability in Environmental Engineering
Date: July 21, 2011
Venue: Jinyu, C-1, Katsura campus, Kyoto University, Japan
Organized by:
Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: approximately 50
Report 150
This symposium was held to invite one of the most prestigious research groups in environmental engineering in the USA, Professor John C. CRITTENDEN's research group from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. They gave us special lectures on sustainability and advanced oxidation processes, and two professors from Kyoto University talked about sustainability in water and wastewater treatment, and we discussed current research topics of sustainability in environmental engineering in Japan and the USA.
Professor John C. CRITTENDEN got PhD in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1976. His professional experience are as follows: Director of the Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, Hightower Chair and GRA Eminent Scholar in Sustainable Systems, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, January 1, 2009-present; Arizona State University January 1, 2004 to December 31 2008; Michigan Technological University faculty member 1979 – 2003; University of Illinois 1978-1979; Washington State University 1977-1979. He received 24 National awards and 4 state and regional awards for research and teaching excellence, including “Recognized by the American Institute of Chemical Engieers as one of the 100 Eminent Chemical Engineers in Modern Times” (2008), “Runnerup for the editor’s choice award for the most significant technology based paper that was submitted to the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology” (2006), “Elected to the National Academy of Engineering” (2002) and “AEESP Landmark Achievement Award” (2000). His research experience includes sustainable engineering, and physical chemical treatment processes. He talked about Gigaton Problems Require Gigaton Solutions: Urban Systems and Technology Opportunities.
Dr. Daisuke MINAKATA got his master degree in Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University in 2005, and Ph.D in Georgia Institute of Technology, USA in 2010. He is currently working with Professor CRITTENDEN as Research Engineer I in Georgia Institute of Technology. He talked about Rational Design of Advanced Oxidation Processes using Computational Chemistry.
Professor Matsuoka explained the GCOE project. Two professors from Kyoto University talked about sustainability in water and wastewater treatment. Professor Itoh talked about Water Reuse System with Advanced Health Risk Management and Associate Professor Nishimura talked about Advanced Sewage Treatment Process with Phosphorus Recovery and Excess Sludge Reduction.
During the symposium, we discussed current research topics of sustainability in environmental engineering in Japan and the USA. We asked the two guests from the USA to speak slowly using simple English, and it was a great opportunity to experience raw English in environmental engineering for the faculty members and the students.
Approximately 50 participants attended the symposium, bringing together not only professors, but also a large number of students, reflecting a growing interest in sustainability. The exchange of opinions was fruitful between the USA and Japan, sharing our perceptions and future visions of the research of sustainability.

Left: Participants in Jinyu Hall
Right: Professor. John Crittenden