The 10th Kyoto University Global Environmental Forum
Global Environmental Studies and the Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
Date: July 23, 2011
Venue: International Exchange Hall III, Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Japan
Organized by:
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Co-organized by:
Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: 104
The objective of this forum is to discuss the roles of global environmental studies in the restoration process from the Great East Japan Earthquake. For this purpose, we invited four guest speakers to address various aspects such as energy policy, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, and crisis management. After the four presentations, a panel discussion was held to further deepen the discussion.
First, Prof. Ueta made a presentation entitled "the restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake and environmental and energy policy." He showed sever key issues to set a new energy policy during the restoration process. Then, Assoc. Prof. Hirayama reported this work on disaster waste and the damage on water supply systems from the viewpoint of environmental engineering. Prof. Katsumi discussed issues and problems caused by the earthquake from geotechnical engineering aspects (e.g., liquefaction). Lastly, Dr. Okumura from Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution talk about the characteristics of the Great East Japan Earthquake with many specific examples, and the problems that emergency headquarters in the Tohoku area faced.
In the following panel discussion, the panel received more than 20 questions from the audience. These questions ranged from the accident in the atomic power plant to the tsunami. It was a great opportunity for us to exchange information and opinions on various issues related to the earthquake.
In the following panel discussion, the panel received more than 20 questions from the audience. These questions ranged from the accident in the atomic power plant to the tsunami.