Date: July 27, 2011
Venue: 10F Sky Room, Nikko Ginza Hotel, Tokyo
Organized by:
- Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Co-organized by:
- Fukada Geological Institute
- University of Tokyo
- University of Toyama
- Waseda University
- Akita University
Number of attendants: 107 persons
Report 168
The purpose of this second symposium is to prepare the implementation of international research collaboration between Indonesia and Japan about the Pilot study of CO2 Sequestration in Gundih Area, Indonesia, as an effort to reduce carbon emission in the air. Many researchers from many universities, research centers and companies from Indonesia and Japan have gathered in this symposium to exchange ideas and produce the comprehensive thought and its work plan relating to CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) study in Gundih Area.
The symposium has conducted on July 27, 2011 in Ginza Nikko Hotel, Tokyo. This symposium was organized by KU, ITB, and KU Global COE on HSE. There were 10 presentations which were attended by 107 participants.
The Symposium was opened by a leader of CCS Project from Kyoto University (Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka) and continued with a keynote speech session. Two keynote speakers are Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka and Prof. Wawan Gunawan. They mentioned that Indonesia is currently facing the rapid economic growth and the increased energy consumption. These situation leads to the increased development of oil and gas fields that have an impact on the relatively high CO2 emissions. So that the implementation of CCS technology in Indonesia will be important to be conducted as an effort to reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, Prof Matsuoka also introduced the CCS in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Other person who gives a speech is Mr. Dody Sasongko. He is a General Manager Pertamina EP who responsible for the Exploration and Development of Gas Project in Gundih area.
After a keynote speech session, there were presentation sessions. At the beginning of this session, Tutuka Ariadji, Ph.D presented the CCS Potentials in Indonesia. Dr. Djedi S. Widarto presented the Overview of Technical Data Availability of Gundih Area & Progress on Legal Aspect. Mr. Ridho Affandi, Mr. Samsul Hidayat, and Mrs. Ory Sadjati presented the G&G of Gundih Area. Prof. Shinya Ejima presented JICA's Dynamic Approach for Climate Change and Dr. Kenji Yamaji presented the Approach to Low Carbon Economy in SATREPS. In addition, Melia Surghani presented the Reservoir Model of Gundih Area. The last presenter was Harris Prabowo who presented the Surface Facility of Gundih Area. There were questions & answers session at the end of presentation session.
The symposium was closed by Prof. Wawan Gunawan. He mentioned that it needs to apply the CCS Technology in Gundih area. The amount of CO2 that will be produced from this area is around 20%, so that the CO2 injection could be the best way in order to avoid abundant CO2 content in the air due to gas production from this area. With the support from scientists, engineers, government and international association, it is expected that the development of advanced science and technology related to CCS could be a master in Indonesia. Prof Wawan also mentioned that before implementing carbon injection, the aquifer for carbon sequestration must be characterized carefully by conducting subsurface characterization and evaluation, in order to make sure that the aquifer is very suitable for carbon sequestration, especially from the point of view of safety.
The symposium has been successfully conducted. After the symposium, there were informal discussions among all participants of symposium to discuss further about the topics that presented during the presentation session.