Seminar on toward constructive collaborations among industrials, administrations and academic sectors for water environmental issues in Southern China
Date: August 23, 2011
Venue: C-191, Katsura campus, Kyoto University
Organized by:
- Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University,
- Kyoto University Global COE Program
- Kyoto University- Tsinghua University Cooperative Research and Education Center for Environmental Engineering
Co-organized by:
- Kyoto University EML Program
- Kansai Economic Federation
- Osaka Science and Technology Center
Supported by:
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
- Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Global Center for Urban Sanitation
Number of attendants: 119
Report 160
Six years have passed since establishment of Kyoto University - Tsinghua University Cooperative Research and Education Center for Environmental Technology, CRECET. During this period, CRECET has been recognized and renowned by not only both the Universities but also related organizations. Thus, CRECET played important role to setup cooperative relationship between both the countries. We have had many successful achievements about our research and education. We expected that these valuable properties, such as achievements and experiences, give us a direction of future development. In this seminar, activities and achievements of the CRECET were reported and promoted among industrial, administrative and academic sectors that could give a solution for water environmental issues in southern China.
First of all, Dean Prof. Komori and President of CRECET council Dr. Teshima gave opening greetings. Further developing history of CRECET was introduced by Prof. TSUNO. This presentation mentioned that the great support from donated companies, administration and member of Kyoto University was essential for promotion of the CRECET. Research progresses in Shenzhen city were introduced by Profs. Tanaka and Takaoka and Dr. Mizuno, thereafter a report of present activities of CRECET by Assoc. Prof. Yasojima. As the view points of administration, Mr. Yamaguchi of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Mr. Kato of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) gave presentations about overseas expansion of water technologies of Japan. Moreover, current condition and future plan of water and solid waste in China were introduced by Profs. Wang Wei and Zhang Xihui. The members of panelist were presenter of previous sessions and Prof. Fujii, Prof. Yoneda, Mr. Nojima of Kansai Economic Federation and Dr. Iwabu of representation of donated companies. In the panel discussion, suitable direction of future collaboration among different stake holders was deeply discussed. Particularly, faculties of Kyoto University had received a motivation in the panel discussion because we were able to hear specific requirements from the other organizations. Finally, we decided to continue our leading-edge research work and promote our activities towards the better relationship of both the countries.