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Seminar on Transportation and Logistics for Human Security in Asian Cities: Perspective Towards Safer and Sustainable Transport Logistics

Date: September 16, 2011
Venue: Jin-Yu Hall, C Cluster, Katura Campus, Kyoto University

Organized by:
Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"

Co-organized by:
- Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE
- Eastern Asia for Transportation Studies, EASTS-Japan

Number of attendants: 26

Report 172


The Seminar on Transportation and Logistics for Human Security in Asian Cities: Perspective Towards Safer and Sustainable Transport Logistics was held in Jinyu Hall, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University on 16th September 2011. The purpose of the seminar is to present scientific ideas to foster the safety, security and sustainability of the transportation and logistics schemes especially in concern to Asian cities. Approaches to obtain public acceptability for implementation of such innovative ideas were also discussed.


During the seminar, safety and sustainability issues to existing transport and logistics systems were discussed. Safety issues relating to air transportation, transportation of hazardous material and traffic accidents due to drivers’ speeding behavior were the main topics. Problems were talked mainly emphasizing the present situations in Asian Cities. With objective of sustainable freight logistics, environmental and fuel constraint issues were discussed. Showing analysis of data on a wide range of drivers’ individual characteristics and their attitudes towards various speed management strategies, Prof. K. Kanitpong discussed the situation of current speed management practices in Thailand. Dr. R. Pradhananga put forwarded another safety issue in land transportation which relates with transportation of hazardous material. Considering the huge impacts of accidents of vehicles carrying hazardous material, a risk analysis procedure that enables determination of appropriate risk values while routing and scheduling of these material was presented. Ms. B. Saraswati focused on airlines safety. Considering the rapid growth of low cost airlines mainly in ASEAN countries, an analysis was made to check whether there is any correlation between low cost and safety reduction. However, as every commercial airline has to meet the same safety standard, no correlation was found between the two terms. Considering risk to sustainability of freight logistics systems that the future fuel restriction may give rise to, Dr. F. Ferreira presented a methodology to identify the risk and mitigate mainly considering the present economic situation in New Zealand. Similarly, considering the concern of the administrator to evaluate what policy measures can be implemented to manage the e-commerce truck operations in the city to contain the pollution level to the minimum, Mr. J. E. S. TEO discussed the effect of distance-based urban freight road pricing on the environment in the city center as well as the surrounding areas outside the city center.
On the whole, the seminar provided a platform for discussion among students and researchers in the field of transportation and logistics to exchange their knowledge, ideas and experiences to counteract various safety and sustainability issues in Transport Logistics.