2011 Kyoto University – UTC Joint Summer Training Course of Road Infrastructure Asset Management
Date: September 22 - 24, 2011
Venue: University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam
Organized by:
Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University, University of Transport and Communications
Co-organized by:
- Center for Research in Business Administration, Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: about 40
Report 174
Summer Training Course of Road Infrastructure Asset Management has jointly organized by Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University and University of Transport and Communications every year since 2005. The purpose of this course is to learn 1) a basic concept and theory of infrastructure asset management, 2) an analytical framework for design and management of infrastructures, including pavements, embankments, bridges, and tunnels, 3) risk management for constructions and management of infrastructures, 4) how to apply the knowledge in practice In additions, taking account of JICA project for Capacity Development of Road Maintenance from July, 2011, the summer course delivered a class for a trial of asset management system called “Kyoto Model.”
To assure a quality of classes, the summer course invited some practitioners in Vietnam and Japan, who actually engages in infrastructure asset management activities. The final purpose of the summer course is to encourage a capacity development of students and practitioners in Vietnam and promote Vietnamese government to develop a self-management system for infrastructures.
In the summer training course, about 40 members participated in the first day. The training course started with a welcome speech from Prof. Nguyen Van Vinh (Vic President, UTC). Following the opening remark, Prof. Kobayashi explained the concept and purpose of the training course; then, Mr. Vinh Phan, as a representative of JICA office in Vietnam, delivered a speech about the bright expectation of the summer course and “Kyoto Model.”
After their speeches, Prof. Sawai delivered a first class about ISO 55000 that is a international process standard of asset management system. Following Prof. Sawai, Prof. Kobayashi delivered a class about a comprehensive framework of asset management and stressed the importance of benchmarking techniques. Then, Thao from UTC explained the current situation of road asset management in Vietnam and the basic concept of life cycle cost of infrastructures. Prof. Kaito from Osaka University delivered a class about theoretical background of benchmarking and showed a practical application using data about bridges. Lastly, Mr. Kato, who is working in Katahira Engineers International, explained the background, purpose, and organization for JICA project for capacity development of road maintenance from July this year.
In the second day, firstly, Assoc. Prof. Shiotani delivered a class about monitoring technologies for asset infrastructure management, then, Dr.Sakai from Hanshin Expressway Company delivered a class for management system using logic model. Following their classes, Dr. Nam, who is a currently post-doctoral researcher of ETH introduced asset deterioration model using hidden Markof model. Then, Prof. Trung from UTC delivered a class about the current situation of bridges in Vietnam and an application of risk management for bridges. In addition, Mr. Aoki from Nippon Expressway Research Institute delivered a class for bridge monitoring with taking into consideration of practical examples in Japan. Lastly in the second day, Dr. Kamiya, who is also come from Nippon Expressway Research Institute, introduced a management system that is used in road network managed by NEXCO.
In the last day, Assoc. Prof. Sawada from Gifu University, delivered a lecture about integrated trial of asset management in Gifu prefecture, Japan. Following Prof. Sawada, Prof. Kawano delivered a class for maintenance strategies of concrete structures. Then, Prof. Ohtsu introduced management and maintenance strategies for geotechnical infrastructures. In the afternoon, the participants moved to a room in which “Kyoto Model” software was installed in computes and tried to use “Kyoto Model” using Vietnamese data of road conditions.
At the end of the summer course, the participants received a certificate of the course and we could close it without any troubles. This summer course was a first trial which reflected the actual project; as a result, we received a lot of questions which related with actual situation in Vietnam. The summer course was a opportunity that we could realize a high concern of road asset management in Vietnam.