The 5th International Conference on Crisis and Emergency Management 2011
Date: September 24 - 25, 2011
Venue: Collaborative Research Building, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Japan
Organized by:
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI)
Co-organized by:
- Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE Program-Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities
- Department of Public Administration (Chungbuk National University)
- Institute of Policy and Management (Chinese Academy of Science)
- Emergency Management Academic Program and The Center for Disaster Risk Policy Florida State University
- The International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM)
Number of attendants: about 70
Report 173
The 5th International Conference on Crisis and Emergency Management was held at Uji Campus, Kyoto University on 24th and 25th September 2011. Following the last conferences, the main objective of the conference was to create a platform for researchers and practitioners to discuss various issues, challenges and possible solutions in the field of Crisis and Emergency Management. Several distinguished personnel of academia, planning and Management mainly from Japan, China, Korea and USA gathered to achieve the objective.
The Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster have left the year 2011 a tough time to cope to people in Japan. Despite of the fact, it has left an opportunity not only to Japan but also to the rest of the world to learn from the experience and to come up with more imaginative, creative and implementable plans to deal such disasters. Emphasizing the fact, the conference aimed to cover following specific topics in addition to the other general topics in Crisis and Emergency Management:
- A broader framework for crisis and emergency management: Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Governance as a possibility
- Lessons to be learnt from Fukushima nuclear accidents
The conference inaugurated with welcome addresses from Professor Norio Okada, Professor Hirokazu Tatano and Professor Eiichi Taniguchi. During the address, Professor Taniguchi introduced the Kyoto University, GCOE-HSE project. Disaster being a big question mark to human safety, importance of such conferences on Disaster Management to improve safety mainly from Mega-Cities perspective was also highlighted.
The conference covered several topics in Crisis and Emergency Management in the form of presentations and discussions. 4 keynote speeches, a lunch-on lecture and a total of 31 presentations under eight sessions: I. Collaborative session of disaster prevention planning research meeting and ICCEM, II. Global critical infrastructure, III. Parternership and resiliency of society, IV. Crisis and emergency management, V. Social capital and communication, VI. Law for safety, VII. Disaster education, citizen initiatives, and participatory approach, and VIII. Recovery and restoration were made. Audience enjoyed presentations in the sessions and lively questions and discussions were carried out after each one. Following its effectiveness in the present year, the organizers emphasized the necessity of frequent organization of such events and closed the conference looking forward to meet in the forthcoming one.