Japan Earth Science Drilling Consortium (J-DESC) Core-School The 4th Basic Logging Course
Date: October 8 - 10, 2011
Venue: Engineering Department, Kyoto University at Yoshida, Japan
Organized by:
Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
Co-organized by:
Japan Drilling Earth Science Consortium (J-DESC)
Number of attendants: 12
Report 171
Geophysical well logging has been used to acquire continuous data of rock physics when a hole is drilled. Recent Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) technology enables to obtain fresh data that has not been altered by drilling fluid after drilling. Geophysical data can be correlated to data that use discrete rock core samples, thus the significance and practical usage of the logging data is increasing in both communities of energy industry and scientific drilling.
Japan Drilling Earth Science Consortium (J-DESC) has been conducting lecture courses, ‘core school’, and one of the schools, ‘basic logging course’, aims at learning basics of standard logging tools and measurements through lectures and subsequent exercises on data analysis. This course has been conducted three times in the past, and this is the first one held outside of Tokyo area.
This course was held with 12 persons, 4 lecturers and 8 participants. The participants consisted of 2 undergraduate students, 4 postgraduate students, one post-doc and one researcher. All of them are currently working on logging-related subjects and very actively participated the course.
The lectures cover seven topics: 1) basics of drilling and geophysical logging, 2) electric logging, 3) Gamma-ray / density / porosity loggings, 4) sonic logging / VSP, 5) borehole images, 6) data interpretation, 7) core- logging-seismic integration (CLSI). The lecturers not merely explain the standard contents on each logging but reality on data acquisition and analysis based on their experiences.
During the exercises, the participants formed groups of two or three and worked on both compulsory and selective exercises. The data they used were one obtained from scientific ocean drilling around Ogasawara Islands. The participants actively discussed with the group members and the results were presented in front of all participants. The quality is of high standard and it is obvious that the participants have reached the required level or far higher.