The Fifth Workshop on Transport Logistics
Date: December 14, 2011
Venue: Centre for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore
Organized by:
- Kyoto University Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
- GCOE, KU - CMS, NUS "Transport Logistics Joint Research Center"
Number of attendants: 31
Report 192
As a follow up to the previous workshops on Transport Logistics,“The Fifth Workshop on Transport Logistics” was held in Center for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore on 14th December 2011. The workshop covered several topics in urban transportation and logistics with a main focus on issues relating to human safety and security. The main objective is to share the ongoing research works carried out by academics and researchers from the two GCOE collaborative research groups in National University of Singapore and in Kyoto University.
The workshop begun with a warm welcome address from Prof. Bernard Tan, followed by opening addresses from Prof. Tien Fang Fwa and Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi. Professors and researchers from National University of Singapore and Kyoto University discussed several topics in transportation and logistics where concept of human security was directly addressed. Humanitarian Logistics, Hazardous Material Logistics, Transportation Networks, Accident Analysis, Urban Road Pricing are among the topics discussed.
A total of 9 presentations were made each followed by a vibrant question and answer session. The workshop served as a platform to discuss several issues of urban transportation and logistics and emphasized several new research problems in the field. Considering effectiveness of the workshop to exchange new research ideas and progresses between the two collaborative groups, the event concluded emphasizing the need of future organization of such events.