Japan-China Symposium on Advances in Water and Sediment Research
Date: July 30, 2012
Venue: Seminar Room 401, Ujigawa Open Laboratory, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
(15-minute walk from Keihan Railway Chushojima Station Access map is downloadable from )
Organized by:
Kyoto University GCOE program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering in Asian Megacities"
Co-organized by:
Research Center for Fluvial and Coastal Disasters, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Number of attendants: more than 25
Report 213
East Asia countries are similarly vulnerable to natural disasters and environmental problems in their mountainous area and urban area. With the variation of global climatic conditions and rapid economic development in East Asia, this century is witnessing the ever-increasing risk of natural disasters and environmental problems. It is very important to have an opportunity for researchers and decision-makers working on water and sediment disasters to exchange ideas and expertise in an international framework. The Japan-China Symposium on Advances in Water and Sediment Research is aimed to promote face to face exchanges and communications.
The symposium started with the opening remarks from Prof. Hajime Nakagawa, the vice director of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. After that Prof. Masaharu Fujita, introduced the Research Center for Fluvial and Coastal Disasters, DPRI, Kyoto University and Prof. Shiguo Xu introduced the Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. Four keynotes have been arranged in the remaining time of the morning session. Prof. Keiichi Toda delivered a lecture on urban flooding with underground space. Prof. Huicheng Zhou introduced a research on ensemble hydrological prediction based real-time optimization of multi-objective reservoir. Prof. Shiguo Xu made a speech entitled partitioning of vertical water loss in reed swamp wetlands: theory, research and application. The final keynote was given by Prof. Sheng Jin, who presented an interesting topic on 3D numerical model for free surface flow and sediment transport.
During the lunch time, Japanese researchers and Chinese researchers discussed on research topics of common interests and possible collaborations in the near future. In the afternoon, two technical sessions have been arranged and there were ten presentations in total. The presentations covered several hot research topics in both Japan and China, including the management of dam reservoir, sediment transport and its environmental implications, etc. Fruitful discussions were made after each presentation. Through the symposium, we learned a lot from each other. Participants agreed that this kind of event should be continued and some joint research plans were discussed during the field trip to the Shirahama Oceanographic Observatory of DPRI after the symposium.
There were more than 25 attendees of the symposium, including faculty members, researchers, visiting scholars and graduate students of Kyoto University as well as invited experts from Dalian University of Technology. This symposium is an extension of an exchange seminar held in Dalian last year and is also a start for more active scholar exchanges and joint research.