Joint Coordination Committee Meeting on "Pilot Study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia"
Date: September 10, 2012
Venue: D Building Meeting Room 3rd Floor, Directorate General of Higher Education, Jakarta, Indonesia
Organized by:
- Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Directorate General of Higher Education - Indonesia
- Kyoto University
- Pertamina
- Kyoto University Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
Co-organized by:
- JICA Program for Research Projects Targeting Global Issues and Involving Partnerships between Researchers in Japan and Developing Countries
Number of attendants: 19
Report 0910
The Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meeting which has been held on September 10th, 2012 at Directorate General of Higher Education Office, Jakarta, was the first official activity on implementing the collaborative research among ITB, Kyoto University, Pertamina UTC, and PT Pertamina on “Pilot Study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia”. The JCC meeting was conducted as part of the first dispatch of Japanese Experts involved in the SATREPS/CCS project. The purpose of JCC meeting was to start officially the SATREPS/CCS project and discuss several issues related to the detailed research plan.
The JCC meeting on 10 September 2012 at Directorate General of Higher Education Office, Jakarta, was organized by ITB, Directorate General of Higher Education – Indonesia, Kyoto University, Pertamina and Kyoto University Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities".
The JCC meeting has been attended by Japanese Experts involved in the SATREPS/CCS project, including experts from Kyoto University, Kyushu University, JAPEX, JST and Fukada Geological Institute. The meeting was also attended by several JCC members from ITB and Pertamina. There were 5 opening remarks from JCC chairperson and representatives of Kyoto University, ITB, JICA and JST. The meeting was attended by 19 participants. The JCC meeting was opened by Prof. Djoko Santoso, as the JCC chairperson of “Pilot Study Pilot Study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in Gundih Field, Central Java Province, Indonesia”. He welcomed all the participants and stated that the SATRPES/CCS project has started officially on September 10th, 2012. The opening remarks were continued by Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka (CCS Project Leader from Japanese Side - Kyoto University), Prof. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir (CCS Project Leader from Indonesian Side - ITB), Mr. Motofumi Kohara (Chief Representative of JICA Indonesia), and Mr. Makio Nakamura (JST).
After the opening session, there were presentations of the research plan by Prof. Tsohifumi Matsuoka, Mr. Toru Takahashi (CCS Project Sub Leader from Japanese Side - Fukuda Geological Institute) and Dr. Mohammad Rachmat Sule (CCS Project Manager - ITB). The meeting was continued by discussion of the several issues related to interests of other institutions to participate in the Gundih project and sharing information with all stakeholders (JCC members) about the recent situation in order to get valuable inputs from all members. Finally, in the last meeting, JCC chairperson and representatives of Pertamina, JICA and JST received a GCOE book that has been produced by authors from researcher of ITB, Kyoto University, and also researchers and engineers from the oil and gas exploration industry, geothermal energy industry, and consultants from Indonesia and Japan. The book entitled “The Contribution of Geosciences to Human Security” explains how geosciences can contribute to solving problems related to human security, and it also describes the recent achievements.