2012 Kyoto University - UTC Joint Summer Training Course of Road Infrastructure Asset Management
Date: September 24 - 27, 2012
Venue: Conference Hall / University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam
Organized by:
- Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University
- University of Transport and Communications
Co-organized by:
- Center for Research in Business Administration, Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE "Global Center for Research and Education for Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: About 30 persons
Report 217
This course is a part of the joint summer school training course since 2005. This course is aimed at giving 1) understanding concepts and basic theory of infrastructure asset management, 2) obtaining the fundamental knowledge to design and analyze road facilities consisting of pavements, slopes/ embankments, bridges and tunnels using LCC considering cost and benefit as decision-making index, 3) understanding how to manage risks in general as well as in construction and operation periods of infrastructure facilities, 4) understanding how to apply the knowledge in practice and 5) qualified participants will be conferred the certificates. The contents of the classes are revising every year to satisfy the latest trends of the road asset management. In this year the course was arranged in line with ISO 5500X namely Asset Management of which Kyoto University has been assigned as JP domestic advisory party. The course also covered the practical field of road asset management with using the innovative software ‘Kyoto Model’. It should be noted in this year that the course has been approved as an official lecture of Kyoto University so that the students from Kyoto University can be accredited when their evaluation meets the pass-criteria. As these attracted the prospective participants, the participants range widely from UTC students, KU students (six), researchers and engineers even road administrators being interested in much advanced road infrastructure asset management theory and practices.
The final goal of this course is to nurse the human resources who have deep understanding and knowledge on road infrastructure asset management system, and promotes and cultivates Vietnamese government to manage their road infrastructures on their own feet.
In the summer training course, about 30 attendees participated through the lecture period. The training course was opened with an opening speech from the rector of UTC on 24th of September, the lecture was started with introduction of ISO5500X by Prof. Sawai. Prof. Kobayashi followed to detail the topics on sustainable infrastructure and asset management. Then Assoc. Prof. Shiotani lectured the position and the purpose of asset monitoring for asset management, where rating techniques for the asset condition, detail concept of monitoring and their tools to utilize have been demonstrated. Prof. Kawano enhanced the importance of assessment of the integrity in infrastructure, as giving examples of concrete structures. The last lecture of the first day was made by Assoc. Prof. Kaito with Osaka University. In his lecture, to attain the assessment of road performance, the methodology with Markov transition probability has been delivered, followed by actual applications in Vietnam. In addition, the road inspection vehicle was exhibited to the participants outside and active discussions with operators were carried out.
The 2nd day has been commenced by Prof. Ohtsu lecturing risk management on the case studies of slope and embankment. The lecture has been completed by detailing the estimation program of the risk based on the distributed original textbook. Prof. Kobayashi followed to specify the concept of risk giving examples of familiar issue to the participants. Prof. Trung with UTC subsequently lectured on local topics of risk analysis in the deficiency of Vietnamese bridge abutment. A UTC lecturer, Mr. Thao, gave a lecture on fundamental understanding about application of Markov transition probabilities, and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) using the actual results. Then Prof. Kobayashi lectured on Kyoto Model, which is the KU developed road asset software. In the lecture the background of the development and specific usage of the model has been demonstrated. The last lecture of the 2nd day was made by Mr. Kato with Katahira Engineers International, giving a class on actual approach of road asset in Vietnamese JICA project.
In the 3rd day, Dr. Aoki with PASCO Corporation gave two lectures on Kyoto Model. The first lecture was on pavement inspection, where the utilization of obtained date through the inspection vehicle survey was demonstrated. Then actual operation of the software was exercised with PC from the afternoon. To evaluate the learning degree, small examination was made, and as a result, the participants were all evaluated as sufficiently acquired the program skill.
After the all lectures, every participant took the examination to evaluate their understanding. The six students from Kyoto University took the examination without any references of materials distributed for accreditation. By the completion of the course attendees got a certificate jointly issued by Kyoto University and UTC. In addition to the 3 days studying in UTC campus, thanks to Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. and JICA, site visits of actual infrastructures for KU students were arranged. The KU students were so excited to confirm the issues learned in the class through the actual structures.
Through this training course, the following achievements can be expected: the cultivation and bottom up of the practical knowledge on management of infrastructure for Vietnamese participants; the further enhancement of the relation between KU and UTC; and the creation for the attractive opportunity has been realized through study abroad with accreditation for the KU students. In the final remark, the lectures all those who are engaged in this course convinced that the student of KU certainly step forward for global society and could be utilize this invaluable experience to their future work.