2012 GCOE-HSE Conference on Health Risk Management
Date: October 18, 2012
Venue: 192 Lecture Rm, C Cluster Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Organized by:
Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
Number of attendants: more than 40
Report 240
The purpose of this conference is to share the research findings grained from a five-year research and education activities in the research field of health risk management under the Kyoto University Global COE program ‘Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities’ among faculty members and students in Environmental Engineering. Based on the five years research and education activities under the GCOE–HSE and EML program, we, faculty members of Environmental Engineering, will discuss what we should do in the next five years for developing more cooperative educational and research activities with Asian countries.
In the first session, five-years research achievements in the research field of health risk management were presented. In the second session, faculty members and researchers, related to the health risk management and environmental engineering, debated on research activities and education system for environmental engineering, and management system for the overseas bases related to health risk management in Asian countries.
In the conference, at first, Prof. Tanaka, the leader of health risk management research field in the Kyoto Univ. GCOE Program, announced the objectives of this conference.
The five years research activities and achievements of 14 key joint research projects in Global COE program, including five young researchers research projects, were presented. In discussion, it was pointed out that cooperative management of overseas bases in Shenzhen, Hanoi and Kuala Lumpur is significant for continuous research and education activities on environmental engineering for Asian countries after completion of Global COE Program and EML Program.
In the second session, we debated on our activities in the next five years, including HSE education program and EML education program.