2012 AIT-NUS-ITB-KU Joint Symposium on Human Security Engineering
Date: November 19 - 20, 2012
Venue: Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Organized by:
- Asian Institute of Technology
- National University of Singapore
- Institute of Technology Bandung
- Kyoto University
Co-organized by:
Supported by::
Kyoto University Global COE "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
Number of attendants: about 70
Report 215
This symposium is co-organized by the three overseas bases of Global COE program, “Global Center for Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”, such as Bangkok in Thailand, Bandung in Indonesia and Singapore. In addition, this symposium is regarded as an annual symposium of the research field “Urban Infrastructure Management”, which is one of the disciplines of “Human Security Engineering”. At the end of the Global COE HSE project in the fiscal year 2012, the symposium aims to review overall activities of the three overseas base and share future direction of continuous framework for HSE research and education.
On November 19th, 2012, at the beginning of the symposium, Prof. Ohtsu who is a leader of “Urban Infrastructure Management” field of HSE and Prof. Noppadol Phien-wej who is a main counterpart of Bangkok overseas base activities made the opening remarks on behalf of the organizing committee of the symposium. Next, Prof. Prayoon Showattana who is an executive director, AUN/SEED-Net Secretariat gave an opening speech for the attendee. AUN/SEED-Net is a co-organizing institution of this symposium, and it is expected that AUN/SEED-Net and civil engineering group of Kyoto University collaborate each other in near future. At the end of the opening session, Prof. Wawan G.A. Kadir, who is a vice rector of Institut Technologi Bandung, delivered a keynote speech entitled “ITB-Perspective on Human Security Engineering after 5 Years GCOE Program” which summarized the past activities in Bandung overseas base and directed continuous framework of collaboration between Kyoto University and Institut Technologi Bandung in future.
The symposium covered the “Urban Governance”, “Urban Infrastructure Management” and “Disaster Risk Management” fields of “Human Security Engineering”. In session 1, Dr. Onishi, who was a chair of this session, managed this session entitled “Private Public Partnership for Infrastructures”. In the afternoon, in session 2, Prof. Kawano managed this session entitled “Infrastructure Asset Management”. In session 3 entitled”Transport Logistics System”, Prof. Taniguchi engaged in the role of the chairman, and explained the whole activities in Singapore overseas base. In addition, three researchers, including one presenter from National University of Singapore in Singapore, made the presenters.
On November 20th, 2012, the following four session was held in the symposium. In the morning, the session 4 entitled “Geotechnical Structure Management” was managed by Prof. Ohtsu. The session 5 entitled “Energy Supply Management” was managed by Associate Prof. Yamada. In session 4, Prof. Noppadol Phien-wej from AiT and Prof. Ohtsu from KU made the presentations. In session 5, Assoc. Prof. Yamada and the two presenters from Indonesia overseas base made the presentations.
In the afternoon, the session 6 entitled “Water Resource and Food Supply Management” was conducted, under the chairperson, Associate Prof. Yasuto Tachikawa. In the session 7, which was the final session of the symposium, Prof. Kiyono managed this session, and the four presentations were conducted.
Kyoto University Global COE HSE program will end this year, but it was worthwhile to share future collaborative framework in each overseas base. In detail, Bandung overseas base has launched the JICA-JST project and Bangkok overseas base has also launched “Re-inventing Japanese University Project “Consortium for International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries”. These are regarded as the spin-off projects of the GCOE-HSE activities. Finally, the symposium was closed with Prof.Ohtsu’s speech in which he put forward the importance of the collaborative framework for research and education in Asian countries.