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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2010 > Tomoki Motozuka

Tomoki Motozuka

Role of community organizations in a revival process after the Central Java Earthquake

Housing and Environmental Design Laboratory, Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Term: January 13 – February 7, 2010
The purpose of this internship was first to clarify the role of community organizations in reconstruction of Ngibikan village, struck by the Central Java Earthquake, through field research and interviews with board members of the organizations. The second purpose was to share research information with Gadjah Mada University by participating in activities of Center for Heritage Conservation in the University. During the internship, I experienced real village life through a two-week homestay in Ngibikan with a student of Gadjha Mada University. I was able to experience what was not found in documents by taking part in activities of the community organizations. During the research in Ngibikan, I saw the community organizations operating flexibly to solve urgent problems, resulting in a rapid reconstruction process. In the interview, both the interviewee and the interviewer engaged in information exchanges. For example, I received questions on earthquake countermeasures in quake-prone Japan. The interview therefore was of mutual benefit to both. The internship was worthwhile as it broadened my point of view on studies.

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