Overseas Training > 2012 > Yosuke Koyama
Yosuke Koyama
Sampling of VOCs and aldehydes in indoor air in Malaysia
Environmental Risk Analysis Laboratory, Division of Environmental Systems Engineering, Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: University Malaya, Malaysia
Term: December 4, 2012 – December 17, 2012
The main objective of my internship was to examine the concentration of VOCs and aldehydes in indoor air in Malaysia. In this country, data about toxic materials in indoor and ambient air are not obtained enough. Therefore, I took samplings of these materials in an anatomy room and a baby ward in the hospital of University Malaya. For exposure assessment, information about the rooms and people using the rooms were collected. In the other time of the sampling, I discussed with prof. Mustafa about targeting materials of sampling, epidemiological study of this country and so on, and I studied about the advanced analyzing devices that are used in SUCXeS laboratory. In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, I studied about the sampling device of fine particles in ambient air used in the laboratory of Professor Talib. Through this internship, I could learn various problems which the rapidly growing country are facing and I could realize the importance of human security engineering.