Overseas Training > 2012 > Yeonsu Kim
Yeonsu Kim
River flow estimation using 2D model and PFs
Hydrology and Water Resources Research Laboratory, Division of Engineering, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: ICFM5 (Japan), AGU fall meeting (America), IAHR-APD (Korea)
Term: September 28 - September 29, 2011. December 5 - December 9, 2011, August 20 - August 23, 2012
The purpose of the internship was to upgrade communication skills and knowledge related to my researches. To fulfill the internship, I attended three conferences, which are ICFM5(5th international conference on flood management), AGU fall meeting, and IAHR-APD (18th congress of the Asia and Pacific division of the international association for hydro-environment engineering and research). I gave presentations about how to improve the uncertainties of the discharge using 2D dynamic wave model and particle filters in each conference. Various comments and questions from the attendee or experts at the conferences make it possible to improve my research. As a result, I could successfully submit two papers based on these experiences. In addition, I was able to experience the new researches such as using satellite image in hydrological prediction or estimation in the relevant research area and able to think about the further research more clearly. It was a valuable opportunities for me to improve communication skills and researches. Here we received positive feed back, and we are looking forward towards having a good understanding to work together in conducting this LCS study at more detailed level for the Iskandar Malaysia Region and also at National level. At UTM I was able to introduce my preliminary level research on Iskandar Malaysia to a few other lecturers and researchers who are also interested in the LCS study. In addition, I visited the Iskandar Malaysia site and also many government departments for data collection.