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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2012 > Xu Chen

Xu Chen

International communication on structural reliability and failure

Laboratory of structural mechanics, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: International conference at Hague, Netherlands, and at Munich, Germany
Term: June 29, 2012 – July 10, 2012
The main objective of my internship was to exchange the idea and information on structural sustainability and failure among the international academic community. It mainly includes an international conference (ICEFA) held in Hague of Netherlands and an academic visit to Prof. Ingbert Mangerig of Universität der Bundeswehr München in Munich of Germany.
In the international conference (ICEFA)(June 29 to July 5), I presented my own research results related to the field of structural reliability and failure, which was FEM analysis on failure development of group studs shear connector under effect of concrete strength and stud dimension. I received quite meaningful advices and suggestions. Meanwhile, Prof. S.P. Lynch, from Monash University of Australia provided abundant cases of structural failure and material failure in his presentation, which benefited me a lot.
After the conference, I paid a visit to Prof. Ingbert Mangerig of Universität der Bundeswehr München in Munich of Germany (July 5-July 10). He is a professor researching in the field of structural engineering. We discussed the mechanical performance of group studs shear connector in steel and concrete composite structures, from which I received many new information and ideas. After that, Prof. Mangerig also let me visit the structural laboratory. Through this academic visiting, I am sure we have set up a friendly relationship which can be good for our future cooperation.

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