International Workshop on Risk Governance of Maritime Global Critical Infrastructures:
Straits of Malacca and Singapore Exposed to Extreme Hazards
Date: June 4 - 5, 2009
Venue: Kyoto Terrsa
Organized by:
- International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
- Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE Program "Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities"
- Kyoto University "Transport Logistics Joint Research Centre"
- Centre for Maritime Studies (National University of Singapore)
- Ministry of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism of Japan
- the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Report 036
The general objective of the workshop was to initiate the dialogue among various stakeholders, creating a platform for effective communication and networking to address the crucial issues regarding governance of critical maritime infrastructures that are vital to the functioning of the global society. The specific objectives were targeted at the event:
- To address vulnerabilities of major straits and interdependent global hubs closely linked to international maritime transport networks, all susceptible to extreme natural hazards
- To bring these vulnerabilities in perspective with other malevolent events/malicious attacks
- To examine possible consequences of those events causing paralysis of national/global transport infrastructures and harm to economy
- To assess the state of knowledge and analytical instruments
- To assess recovery concepts/strategies and the role of hinterland support infrastructure
- To reflect on existing legal/organizational frameworks and integrated governance concepts and to identify deficits where appropriate
- To develop risk governance recommendations for policy makers and decision support needs.
The workshop initiated or fostered dialogue among key stakeholders. Different views on the scope of the problem were shared and a priority list was created with the necessary actions to cope with the multiple hazards and threats including risk appraisal and concern assessment. A better understanding of the challenges to risk governance strategies was achieved based on thorough analysis of the systems in place (capacities and deficits). An official IRGC summary report and policy brief was compiled, containing risk governance recommendations.