2010 Kyoto University - University of Transport and Communications Joint Summer Training Course of Transportation Planning
Date: September 24 - 26, 2010
Venue: Hanoi Campus, UTC, Vietnam
Organized by:
- Graduate School of Management Kyoto University
- University of Transport and Communications
Co-organized by:
- Center for Research in Business Administration, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
- Kyoto University Global COE program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
Number of attendants: about 100 in total (3days)
Report 123
To provide for the mobility of people is one of important factors to support our daily lives, not only in developed countries but also in developing ones. Transportation also influences patterns of growth and economic activity by providing access to land. The performance of the system affects public policy concerns like air quality, environmental resource consumption, social equity, land use, urban growth, economic development, safety, and security. Transportation planning recognizes the critical links between transportation and other societal goals. It is needless to say that planning for transportation facilities, demand analysis, project evaluation method, and trip survey technique are key factors in order to obtain efficient transportation services, which include both private cars and public transportation such as buses and trains.
From such a viewpoint, this course is aimed at providing fundamental concept and/or knowledge associated with transportation planning and results of application, particularly focusing on transportation in cities.
Benefits of the course is to obtain the fundamental knowledge to urban transportation systems, computable general equilibrium model, input-output analysis, computable urban equilibrium modeling, and the role of transportation planning against city planning.
In the first day of the course, Prof. Matsushima explained the introduction in the course. Dr. Mai Hai Dang is explained “Traffic Flow Theory and Issues of Urban Transportation “and “Urban Traffic Organizing”. Dr. Mamoru Yoshida explained “Systems of National Accounting”. And Dr. Kim explained Input-Output Analysis.
In the second day, Dr. Kim and Mr. Bui Trinh explained “Input-Output Analysis”. Prof. Matsushima explained “Input-Output Analysis and CGE”. Mr. Senda explained Model Closure. Dr. Yamasaki explained CUE model. Prof. Mun explained “Urban Economics”.
In the final day, Prof. Matsushima explained “summary of modeling and the way to application”. Mr. Senda explained “Evaluation of Transportation Project-CGE”. And Prof.Kobayashi explained Vietnam Transportation and “Environmental Input-Output analysis”.
About 100 participants attended the course in total, bringing together not only UTC students, but also outside students, reflecting a growing interest in transportation planning.