Young Researcher Symposium of the Global COE Program
“Symposium on Development of Bioresource Waste Treatment Technology”
Date: December 21, 2011
Venue: C1-2-314, Katsura Campus C-cluster, Kyoto University, Japan
Organized by:
Global COE Program “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”
Number of attendants: 30
Report 186
Biomass waste is a kind of biodegradable material with high moisture content, high organic substance content, odor and it is easy to bring problems of insanitary insects. To establish a recycling society, it is necessary to develop technologies for treatment and reuse of biomass waste. The purpose of this symposium is to discuss and share the present research results on biomass waste treatment technologies including anaerobic digestion, compost and incineration, etc.
In this symposium, Hiroshi Tsuno, Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University, introduced the purpose of this symposium and expressed his expectation regarding the result. Five lecturers, Ms. Sun Xiucui, Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University, Dr. Qiao Wei, Assistant Prof. of China University of Petroleum, Dr. Wang Feng, Program-Specific Researcher of GCOE-HSE, Kyoto University, Mr. Niu Qigui, Tohoku University and Dr. Tsubota Jun of Osaka Gas Co., Ltd introduced the research approach on treatment of biomass waste. After the lectures, Fumitake Nishimura, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering, summarized the result of this symposium and expressed greeting to the lecturers. About 30 participants attended the discussion and a better understanding of each study was achieved.