Overseas Training > 2011 > Ayako Fuse
Ayako Fuse
Spotting Area of Wild Boar and Inhabitant Conciousness in Hamburg
Studies of Human and Environmental Symbiosis, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Place of stay: Japanese School of Hamburg, Germany
Term: December 29, 2011 - January 30, 2012
I researched about the condition of the wild boars’ spotting area and the numbers of the wild boar hunted in the municipal area of Humburg in each year. In my research, I was helped by the people of "Authority for economy, transport and innovation,Unit hunting, fishing, horse breeding Hamburg City,”, who provided me important data.
I also examined the case of wild boar attack within Hamburg city in 2010.I inspected the reason why the boars get out of the forest and appear within the urban area of Hamburg. The people of “District Office Wandbek” helped me showing the boars’ routes and the future possibilities for the boars to come down to the urban area.
I investigated inhabitant consciousness as how people think about wild boar and wild animals through questionnaire and interview, including if they ever had fed the wild animals and boars. The citizens and school teachers from Japanese School of Hamburg, understood my research purpose cooperated me to perform the questionnaire and interviews. This internship let me carry out motivation for the further progress of research.
I deeply appreciate the people, who helped me with generosity and kindness in Germany, and who let me have this opportunity in GCOE, HSE, and GSGES.