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Education Program Overseas Training

Overseas Training > 2011 > He Xiaoman

He Xiaoman

Research on biomimetic sensor of liposome

Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China
Term: December 9, 2011 - December 12, 2011
The main objectives of my internship were to present my work entitled “Evaluation of PAHs toxicity on cell membrane by liposome” as a poster presentation, and to enhance the opportunity for future collaboration and networking with China and Vietnam. In the first day in China, we visited water and wastewater treatment plants in Shenzhen. I learned how they treat water and wastewater in Shenzhen. To help people from Japan to understand the description in Chinese, I helped them to translate. This was a good opportunity to be a bridge for people from different countries. In the next day, I attended the 4th symposium of Kyoto University EML Program (KU-TU International Symposium on Education and Research in Environmental Management) and presentations that I got interested in and were related to my work. Not all the topics were directly related to my research, but I could get so many informative ideas for my research. During the poster presentation, I received so many helpful suggestions and comments, so they would be beneficial for my research. Simultaneously, I shared my information and methodology with researches and students. Overall, it is a good experience to go to China for an internship.

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