Overseas Training > 2012 > Noorhazlinda Binti Abd Rahman
Noorhazlinda Binti Abd Rahman
Simulation of Tsunami Evacuation Planning by using DEM Model for Langkawi International Airport, Kedah, Malaysia
Urban Coast Design, Division of Urban Infrastructure Design, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Place of stay: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
Term: August 17, 2012 – September 15, 2012
This research is mainly to investigate the tsunami evacuation planning for Langkawi International Airport (LIA) by applying the Crowd Behavior Simulator for Disaster Evacuation based on the Distinct Element Method.
For that purpose, fundamental data to perform evacuation-simulation in LIA were obtained from Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad and video-based observational study was done during the Internship. Collected data are layout of LIA and human factors including population distribution, human attributes and human behavior.
In addition, the author attended International Conference hosted by Universiti Sains Malaysia and found that matters related to simulation of evacuation planning had not been featured. This situation had been motivated the author to highlight this matter in the near future by play a vital role in promoting the needs to have a proper mitigation tool.
Besides, walking speed is another important variable in this study. Therefore walking speed for Malaysian citizen was obtained by capturing the pedestrian movement at the crosswalk.
Data collected during the internship will be inculcated into the simulator together with the improvement for the group behaviour (couple, family and friends).