開催日:2008年12月20日 - 21日
場所:京都大学吉田キャンパス 時計台
- 京都大学防災研究所 (Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)
- 中国科学院科学技術政策・管理科学研究所(Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- 京都大学グローバルCOE「アジア・メガシティの人間安全保障工学拠点」
Report 010
Achieving sustainable and risk-resilient societies against unexpected events such as natural hazards, technological accidents, environmental risks, man-made hazards and pandemic diseases is becoming growing concerns in the world. Ongoing economic developments in many parts of the East Asia region cause the rapid concentration of both population and economic assets on urban areas, which make a global society becomes more vulnerable against the above-mentioned unexpected events. With a view to addressing the above issues, the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), of Kyoto University and the Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences have been taking collaborative initiatives to hold annual scientific meetings and repeatedly exchanged academic knowledge and methodologies between Japan and China. The first seminar was held on May 24-26, 2005 in Beijing, China, the second on July 7-8, 2006 in Uji, Japan, and the third on Aug. 30- Sep. 2, 2007 in Jiangsu, China. In this year, the DPRI takes the role to organize the forth seminar in Kyoto, Japan, from Dec. 20-21, 2008. This meeting is cosponsored by Kyoto University’s Global Center for Education and Research on “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities, which is just to synchronize the timing of this year’s Japan-China seminar.
This seminar intends to exchange academic knowledge and methodologies for reducing disaster and environmental risks as well as for achieving sustainable management of cities and regions. For this purpose, the conference agenda are composed of wide areas of themes and issues, i.e.,
- Methodologies for disaster and environmental risk analysis and management,
- Methodologies for modeling and analysis of social vulnerability, including social capital, human capital and production capital,
- Policy analysis of disaster and environmental risk management,
- Methodologies for community-based disaster/environmental risk management,
- Methodologies for managing critical infrastructures against disaster and environmental risks,
- Infrastructure planning and management for sustainable management of cities and regions,
- Methodologies for flood risk management.
The Organizer hopes that this modest-scale seminar will provide a productive and active exchange of ideas and thoughts between the two countries.
本シンポジウムでは、災害・環境リスク下における都市・地域の持続可能性を考慮したマネジメント政策をテーマに、方法論から実証分析まで幅広い分野の研究発表が行われた。合計35件にわたる研究発表の中では、その対象は様々である一方で、リスクマネジメントという共通の枠組みの中で分野横断的な発表および討議が繰り広げられた。特に、研究成果をいかに実践可能な(implementable)な政策として実現していくか、実践適応科学(Implementation Science)としての政策科学をどう実現していくか、に関して参加者の間で問題意識を共有化できた点は大変意義深く考えている。また、本シンポジウムの翌日には、中国側の招聘者に対して、人と防災未来センター等、阪神淡路大震災の爪痕の残る場所へのツアーが実施された。経験の共有化、理解の深化が行われた点も大変意義深く考えている。来年度は、中国での開催を予定している。